Image of Aids for people with Ataxia

Aids for people with Ataxia

When starting your journey with ataxia it can be difficult to know which aids help best. Below is a list of aids most commonly used by people with ataxia.



  •  Assistive technology such as Google Home or Alexa, with smart plugs, wifi bulbs and doorbell.
  • Use assistive technology on your smartphone and laptop eg. talk to text
  • When standing or walking un-aided becomes challenging members sometimes use a posterier walker called a Kaye walker (Posterier as it offer more stability)
  • For standing upright stationary an easy stand stander can be used.
  • A  manual wheelchair [be careful not to get one to wide]
  •  Use a scooter for rough ground.
  • A folding powerchair that fits into the boot of most cars is a great help when out and about.
  •  Wijits and New Drive are forms of wheelchair-assistive devices.
  •  Wet room with a shower wheelchair to shower
  • For ease when transferring, banana boards, Steady Stella and hoists.
  • There are many forms of adaptive utensils and kettles available, lap trays and dishwasher and airfryers makes life easier.
  • Cars can be adapted with hand control and a roof box to store a wheelchair.



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